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Schedule for 2025
Browse the WitchCon Online 2025 class schedule below for livestream classes, rituals, and performances. Sessions are recorded and completed years are available in our Archive, where you can watch on-demand for as long as you like! The conference is livestreamed by the Hex Education Network on Crowdcast, a web-based platform with no need for an app!
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The Celestial AmphitheaterOpening RitualBrian Cain and Christian Day open the ceremonies of WitchCon with members of the New Orleans Coven and a performance by the Dragon Ritual Drummers! |
, 2025
Please note: in some time zones, sessions may begin or end on the following day.
The Spellbound SolariumGeorgi Mishev[bio]The Magical Power of Purification[details] |
The Arcane ChamberKaragan Griffith[bio]The Inner Circle: The Path of the Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft[details] |
The Occult LibraryVikki Bramshaw[bio]The Revelries of Dionysos & His Fae[details] |
The Astral GardenJanine Worthington[bio]Transitions with the Inbetween Tarot[details] |
The Veiled SanctumElie Barnes[bio]Plants and Planets[details] |
The Mystic VaultPaula van Strien[bio]Spellwork for Conception and Pregnancy[details] |
The Enchanted ParlorSwastik Banerjee[bio]Exploring the Indian Occult Through the Planets[details] |
The Esoteric AlcoveThorn Mooney[bio]Troubling “Witch”: The Labels We Choose and What They Say About Us[details] |
The Spellbound SolariumRebeca Spirit[bio]Spiritual Hygiene[details] |
The Arcane ChamberMary Mueller Shutan[bio]Managing Psychic Abilities[details] |
The Occult LibraryPatricia Ballentine[bio]A Crone's Magic: Ecstatic, Eclectic, and Eccentric Witchcraft![details] |
The Astral GardenSharon Day[bio]The Witch as Psychopomp[details] |
The Veiled SanctumAvi Lago[bio]Beyond the Veil of Isis: As the Masters Intended It[details] |
The Mystic VaultLelia Marino[bio]Creating Conjure Oils[details] |
The Enchanted ParlorYulia Applewood[bio]Relics: Conduits of Connection[details] |
The Esoteric AlcoveCharity L Bedell[bio]Divine Dirt: The Magic of Dirt[details] |
The Spellbound SolariumOberon Zell[bio]The Years the Earth Stood Still[details] |
The Arcane ChamberMartha Moran Gonzalez[bio]Lunar Enchantment: Exploring Moon Magick[details] |
The Occult LibraryJim Sayers[bio]Hexing the Ordinary: Unconventional Herbcraft for Modern Witches[details] |
The Astral GardenAerik Arkadian[bio]Unlocking the Mysteries of Fluid Condensers[details] |
The Veiled SanctumDrago Vincenzo[bio]A Conjure Worker’s Guide to Working With St Joseph[details] |
The Mystic VaultCait Johnson[bio]Raising a Witchling[details] |
The Enchanted ParlorMimi Curry[bio]Craft or Cult? The Warning Signs in Spiritual Practice.[details] |
The Esoteric AlcoveTamara Von Forslun[bio]Traditional Boskednan Witchcraft of Cornwall[details] |
The Spellbound SolariumJason Birckhead[bio]Calling Across the Veil: An Introduction to Ancestor Work[details] |
The Arcane ChamberSasha Graham[bio]Tarot Dream Oraculum[details] |
The Occult LibraryRhonda Harris-Choudhry[bio]How to Magickly Reduce Anxiety, Depression and Fear[details] |
The Astral GardenJohn Corvus[bio]Why Pay the Piper?[details] |
The Veiled SanctumMadame Zee[bio]Unlocking Mysteries: A Charm Casting and Tarot Workshop[details] |
The Mystic VaultMichel Valim[bio]Aphrodite's Glamour Magick[details] |
The Enchanted ParlorRaven Digitalis[bio]Guidance for the Gothic Witch[details] |
The Esoteric AlcoveDarcie Vélez[bio]Incense Magic: The Magickal Use of Incenses in Ritual[details] |
The Spellbound SolariumChristina Wilke-Burbach[bio]Modern Corpse Magick[details] |
The Arcane ChamberAngel Renard[bio]Spirit Mediumship using Tea Leaves[details] |
The Occult LibraryKristina McKinney[bio]The Witch's Courtroom[details] |
The Astral GardenCaroline Tully[bio]Thelemic Witchcraft[details] |
The Veiled SanctumEmilie Muniz[bio]Lenormand fortune-telling Cards Made Easy[details] |
The Mystic VaultVivian Meretrix[bio]The Devil, The Witch, and the Showgirl[details] |
The Enchanted ParlorFrances Billinghurst[bio]Meeting Ereshkigal: Queen of the Great Below[details] |
The Celestial AmphitheaterDragon Ritual Drummers[bio]A Drumming Rite with the Dragon Ritual Drummers[details] |
, 2025
Please note: in some time zones, sessions may begin or end on the following day.
The Esoteric AlcoveAnna Greenflame[bio]Superstition? Super Witchery! Adapting Folklore to Modern Practices[details] |
The Spellbound SolariumAlexander Cabot[bio]Celestial Beings: Finding Your Guardian Angel[details] |
The Arcane ChamberMarita Woywod Crandle[bio]Magic Carpet Magic[details] |
The Occult LibraryRachel S. Roberts[bio]Wolf Magic with Goddess Circe[details] |
The Astral GardenAndré Consciência[bio]Creating Tomorrow with the Tarot[details] |
The Veiled SanctumChanda Parkinson[bio]Meditations for the Tarot[details] |
The Mystic VaultCat Thagard[bio]Love, Lust, and Aphrodisiacs: A Sensory Journey in Divine Pleasure[details] |
The Enchanted ParlorLaurie Cabot[bio]More Conversation with Laurie Cabot[details] |
The Esoteric AlcoveKenya T. Coviak[bio]Not Your Usual Herbal Grimoire[details] |
The Spellbound SolariumLen Roberts[bio]Transformative Magic: A Conversation with Len Roberts[details] |
The Arcane ChamberRachel Patterson[bio]Witchcraft: Daily Practice[details] |
The Occult LibraryJohn Opsopaus[bio]Secret Texts of Hellenic Neopaganism[details] |
The Astral GardenRaphael Kakazu[bio]The Sorcery of Circe[details] |
The Mystic VaultMark NeCamp Jr[bio]Spirit Craft: Artificial Spirits, Servitors, Thoughtforms, and Golems[details] |
The Enchanted ParlorPatti Negri[bio]The Witch's Familiar[details] |
The Esoteric AlcoveFalcon River[bio]Oak and Pine: The Beginning and the End Science, Magic, and Lore[details] |
The Spellbound SolariumJacq Civitarese[bio]Paper Talismans: Creative & Practical Majick[details] |
The Arcane ChamberJuliet Rose[bio]Plant Familiars as Trauma-Coping Allies[details] |
The Occult LibrarySilver RavenWolf[bio]Dead Angels[details] |
The Astral GardenAlexis Pharae and June Jennings[bio]Through the Veil with a Vampyre Priestess and a Priestess of the Craft[details] |
The Veiled SanctumMarta and Michael Correll[bio]Teaching Witchcraft[details] |
The Mystic VaultCytlali Yeyetzi[bio]Create the Love Life You Desire[details] |
The Enchanted ParlorAngela DiFazio[bio]Conducting a Seance: Communing With Spirits in Group Settings[details] |
The Esoteric AlcoveKelly Hernandez[bio]Kitchen Casting[details] |
The Spellbound SolariumPriestess Miriam Chamani[bio]The Asson: Metaphysical and Physiological Aspect and Purpose[details] |
The Arcane ChamberShannon Marie Daoust[bio]New Ouija, Who Dis?[details] |
The Occult LibraryStarr RavenHawk[bio]Past Life & Revokation Magicks[details] |
The Astral GardenEmma Kathryn[bio]The Spirit of Inspiration: An Occult Writing Workshop[details] |
The Veiled SanctumAsia Strong[bio]Trusting the Answers from your Pendulum[details] |
The Mystic VaultRuth Barrett[bio]The Year is a Dancing Woman: The Women's Wheel of the Year[details] |
The Enchanted ParlorLoren Morris[bio]Sparkle and Serenity: Unveiling the Magic of a Clean Home[details] |
The Esoteric AlcoveTony Mierzwicki[bio]Pan: God of the Wild[details] |
The Spellbound SolariumKatrina Rasbold[bio]Flame, Wax, & Glitter: The Power of Candle Magick[details] |
The Arcane ChamberYeshe Matthews[bio]Threading the Needle: Bringing Into Being[details] |
The Occult LibraryWitchdoctor Utu[bio]Alligator and Crocodile Magic[details] |
The Astral GardenRobin Artisson[bio]The Magic of the Ancient Signs and Seals[details] |
The Veiled SanctumEllen Evert Hopman[bio]Celtic Druidry[details] |
The Mystic VaultJade Aurora[bio]Bad Bitch Witchery: A Crash Course on Glamour Magic[details] |
The Enchanted ParlorAngie Buchanan[bio]Ceremony and Ritual with the Harbingers and Agents of Death[details] |
The Esoteric AlcoveJamie Della[bio]Terrapsychology and Witchcraft[details] |
The Spellbound SolariumRoxy Riou[bio]Finding Magic in the Everyday[details] |
The Arcane ChamberChristian Day[bio]Stepping Onto the Royal Road of Tarot[details] |
The Occult LibraryPoppa Capp[bio]Pythagoras, Sephirot, and the Minor Arcana[details] |
The Astral GardenTinnekke Bebout[bio]Creating Modern Mysteries[details] |
The Veiled SanctumGus diZerega[bio]The Great Forgetting: Remembering the Enchanted World We've Lost[details] |
The Mystic VaultDeborah Blake[bio]Using and Creating a Book of Shadows[details] |
The Enchanted ParlorRachael Myers[bio]The Ethics of Mediumship: Navigating Responsibility & Boundaries[details] |
The Esoteric AlcoveSusan F.N. Duncan[bio]Discover Your True Will: Connecting with the Holy Guardian Angel[details] |
The Spellbound SolariumStorm Cestavani[bio]Planetary Magic -- Bending the Planets to Your Will[details] |
The Arcane ChamberBrian Cain[bio]Covens, Orders, and Magical Groups[details] |
The Occult LibraryTanja Bara[bio]Embracing Shadow with the Dark Goddess[details] |
The Astral GardenLevi Rowland[bio]The Eternal Heresy: Gnosticism and Contemporary Magic[details] |
The Veiled SanctumMiss Aida[bio]A Basic Introduction to Santeria[details] |
The Mystic VaultZsuzsanna Budapest[bio]The Politics of Women's Spirituality[details] |
The Enchanted ParlorTomas Prower[bio]Pagan Funeral Planning[details] |
The Celestial AmphitheaterClosing RitualBrian Cain and Christian Day thank all for attending WitchCon and end with a performance by the Dragon Ritual Drummers! |
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