February 7 to 9, 2025

Bring the Magic to You!

February 7 to 9, 2025, join the world’s largest livestream magical conference, featuring over 100 presenters from across the globe!

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Plug-In to Pagan Publishing: Don't Quit your Day Job

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A Livestream Class with Patricia Telesco

Sat at 10:30 am in The Veiled Sanctum

People often come to Patricia Telesco asking how to get their books published in the “New Age” market. Pagan publishing can be persnickety, with considerations ranging from cultural appropriation to current pronouns. Additionally, each publishing house is different—different forms, different requirements, different visions. In other words, authors won't be able to use the same proposal every time.

The purpose of this workshop is to answer questions (participants are encouraged to bring them) and share what Patricia has learned about Pagan publishing that may help others succeed.

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(News of Hex, Omen, Festival of the Dead, WitchCon Online, HexFest, Warlock Press and more!)