February 7 to 9, 2025

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February 7 to 9, 2025, join the world’s largest livestream magical conference, featuring over 100 presenters from across the globe!

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Michel Valim

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Class – Aphrodite's Glamour Magick

Sat at 3:15 pm in The Mystic Vault

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Michel Valim
Michel Valim
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Presenter’s Website

Bio for Michel Valim

Michel Valim is an integrative therapist and a witch whose Craft name is Antheus Kissokomes. He has been on the path of Witchcraft and Paganism for over 14 years since 2010. He is also a priest of the Religion of Antinous, the Gay God, by the order of the Temple of Antinous in Hollywood, LA (@antinousgaygod), having been initiated by the first Brazilian priest Deco Ribeiro (@decows) under the name of Priest Michellus Lupercus. Currently, Deco and he are the only consecrated Brazilian priests. In addition, he is the High Priest of the Clã Espiral das Flores (Spiral of the Flowers Clan), a Modern Witchcraft clan in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is also a self-consecrated priest of Aphrodite and Dionysus in the ways of Modern Witchcraft.

He used to be a theater actor, but currently, he dedicates himself to the work of holistic and integrative therapies, tarology, and oraculism. He is a specialist in Witches' Runes, having independently published a book on the subject, A Magia das Runas das Bruxas (The Magick of the Witches' Runes), in partnership with the Xaoz Project (@projetoxaoz).

Visit Michel Valim online at facebook.com/mickyvalim

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Buy Ticket! Michel Valim
Michel Valim
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Presenter’s Website