February 7 to 9, 2025

Bring the Magic to You!

February 7 to 9, 2025, join the world’s largest livestream magical conference, featuring over 100 presenters from across the globe!

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Juliet Rose

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Class – Plant Familiars as Trauma-Coping Allies

Sunday, February 9 at 12:15 pm in The Arcane Chamber

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Juliet Rose
Juliet Rose
New Orleans, Louisiana
United States
Presenter’s Website

Bio for Juliet Rose

Juliet Rose is a practicing Witch, Alexandrian Priestess, and psychic medium originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and currently based in the magical city of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Juliet often jokes that the only thing she was ever early for in her life was being born an Aries (she was supposed to be a Taurus). She was born on a Tuesday, under the planet Mars, into an astrological chart dominated by fire. She was born into a mixed Sicilian and Native American (Narragansett and Oneida) bloodline, the great-granddaughter of a feisty Catholic Witch from Catania (who practiced a combination of Sicilian and Ethiopian magic), and with a number of other Catholic witches and medicine women in her family line.

Juliet was drawn to spiritual work from a young age and was the little kid who always talked about interacting with spirits and wanting to know about all different religions. She showed a natural proclivity for mediumship, psychometry, and pyromancy from childhood and has worked professionally as a psychic medium since 2018. Her spirituality is largely inspired by her ancestors, and she seeks to help people through her readings and knowledge of natural (crystal, herbal, and elemental) magic whenever she can. Juliet is a longtime devotee of the Goddess Sekhmet, and in addition to her Craft practice, enjoys writing poetry and spending time cultivating her magickal garden. Much of her magick these days is focused on bloodline and trauma healing and helping people feel empowered to transmute pain into power and continue to grow spiritually and personally into the best versions of themselves.

Visit Juliet Rose online at sunkissedowlmagic.com

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Buy Ticket! Juliet Rose
Juliet Rose
New Orleans, Louisiana
United States
Presenter’s Website