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Rhonda Alin
Class – Tarot and Our Journey To Magickal Alchemist
at in The Astral Garden
Bio for Rhonda Alin
Rhonda Alin is a psychic and reader of Oracle, Tarot cards, and charms, as well as an instructor and the founder of Northern New Jersey Tarot. She purchased her first deck of divination cards at age 12, which was about the same time she began studying the “Egyptian Book of the Dead.” She is a Scorpio sun and moon and is dedicated to providing her clients with a positive, insightful, and meaningful reading experience.
Rhonda is a former member of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, a member of the Cabot Kent Hermetic Tradition, a member of Dawtas of the Moon, a member of The Order of the Gorgon Shield, and a Priestess of Ananke in the Order of the Golden Gryphon. She has been a student of the Elders of the ASW, Laurie Cabot, Mambo Yansa, and Yeye Luisah Teish.
Visit Rhonda Alin online at,
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