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Dead Angels
A Livestream Class with Silver RavenWolf
at in The Occult Library
Dive into the ethereal realm with author Silver RavenWolf in this seminar entitled “Dead Angels,” a transformative experience where the boundaries of existence blur and the unseen whispers beckon. Join us on a journey beyond definitions, where the veils between the living and the departed lift, and angels gracefully tread. Through meditation and a unique dice divination technique, unlock the mysteries of the afterlife and unravel the secrets of celestial guidance. Discover the interconnectedness of the spiritual and the mortal, and embrace the wisdom found amidst the dance of angels and the beloved souls of the departed. Join us as we traverse the realms between worlds and awaken to the boundless possibilities that await within.
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(News of Hex, Omen, Festival of the Dead, WitchCon Online, HexFest, Warlock Press and more!)