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Vivian Meretrix
Class – The Devil, The Witch, and the Showgirl
at in The Mystic Vault
Bio for Vivian Meretrix
Vivian Meretrix was ordained a Priestess of the O.T.O. in 2014 and served as Lodge Master of Chalice of Heaven Lodge in Chicago from 2016 to 2021, making her the only female Lodge Master in Illinois history. During that time, Vivian regularly hosted classes on ceremonial magic, occult history, Tarot, astrology, Qabbalah, and various Western Hermetic subjects. In 2016, she lectured at Women of Fire, a convention focusing on women in occultism. That same year, Vivian began studying to become the nationally toured burlesque performer and teacher she is today! Currently, Vivian is the Head Hottie of the Illumi-Naughtie, an occult-themed burlesque revue she produces in Chicago that educates audiences on the history of the occult and burlesque while presenting ritual theatre and the enchantment of cabaret.
Visit Vivian Meretrix online at
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