February 7 to 9, 2025

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February 7 to 9, 2025, join the world’s largest livestream magical conference, featuring over 100 presenters from across the globe!

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Thorn Mooney

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Class – Troubling “Witch”: The Labels We Choose and What They Say About Us

Sat at 12:15 pm in The Esoteric Alcove

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Thorn Mooney
Thorn Mooney
Raleigh, North Carolina
United States
Presenter’s Website

Bio for Thorn Mooney

Thorn Mooney is the author of “Traditional Wicca: A Seeker's Guide,” “The Witch's Path: Advancing Your Craft at Every Level,” and “Witches Among Us: Understanding Contemporary Witchcraft and Wicca.” A Gardnerian priestess and coven leader living in the American South, Thorn has been a student of magic and Witchcraft since the late nineties. Thorn holds graduate degrees in both religious studies and English literature and is completing her PhD in religion and culture at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she specializes in contemporary Witchcraft, secularism, religion and social media, and ethnography. She loves folk horror, guitars, and painfully dry red wine.

Visit Thorn Mooney online at thornthewitch.com

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(News of Hex, Omen, Festival of the Dead, WitchCon Online, HexFest, Warlock Press and more!)

Buy Ticket! Thorn Mooney
Thorn Mooney
Raleigh, North Carolina
United States
Presenter’s Website