February 20 to 22, 2026

Bring the Magic to You!

February 20 to 22, 2026, join the world’s largest livestream magical conference, featuring over 100 presenters from across the globe!

Watch favorites live. Watch replays forever!


Having trouble registering? Have not received your confirmation from Crowdcast? Are you just looking to run an idea past us for a class? Contact us below.!

Before you reach out, be sure to check your junk mail for your Crowdcast registration. Also be sure and use the email address and full name that you used to sign up for WitchCon Online!

Submit a workshop to present at WitchCon Online 2026!

Join The Scarlet Letter and get magical updates from Salem and New Orleans!


(News of Hex, Omen, Festival of the Dead, WitchCon Online, HexFest, Warlock Press and more!)

Buy Ticket!

(Looking for WitchCon Online 2025? Visit our Vault to buy past conferences!)