February 7 to 9, 2025

Bring the Magic to You!

February 7 to 9, 2025, join the world’s largest livestream magical conference, featuring over 100 Witches and Conjurers from across the globe! Attend your favorite classes live, then watch all sessions on-demand whenever you like!

Frances Billinghurst

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Class – Meeting Ereshkigal: Queen of the Great Below

Sat at 4:45 pm in The Enchanted Parlor

Buy Ticket! Frances Billinghurst
Frances Billinghurst
Adelaide, South Australia
Presenter’s Website

Bio for Frances Billinghurst

Frances Billinghurst is an initiated witch, magical practitioner, and metaphysician who has been fascinated with mythology, folklore, and esoteric sciences for over half her lifetime.

A prolific writer, Frances is the author of “Dancing the Sacred Wheel” (one of the few books solely dedicated to the sabbats in the Southern Hemisphere), “Encountering the Dark Goddess: A Journey into the Shadow Realms,” “Contemporary Witchcraft: Foundational Practices for a Magical Life,” and “On Her Silver Rays: A Guide to the Moon, Myth and Magic,” among other titles. She is the editor of “Call of the God: An Anthology Exploring the Divine Masculine within Modern Paganism,” and her essays have appeared in numerous publications over the years, including Llewellyn’s “Witch’s Calendar,” “The Cauldron,” “A Mantle of Stars: A Devotional to the Queen of Heaven,” “Naming the Goddess,” “Witchcraft Today: 60 Years On,” and “The Faerie Queens: A Collection of Essays Exploring the Myths, Magic and Mythology of the Faerie Queens.”

Frances offers online courses through Udemy.com, has her own YouTube channel, and can also be found on social media (Facebook and IG). She can be contacted through the Mystical Soul Academy (https://mysticalsoulacademy.com) or her writer’s blog (http://francesbillinghurst.blogspot.com.au).

Visit Frances Billinghurst online at mysticalsoulacademy.com/

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(News of Hex, Omen, Festival of the Dead, WitchCon Online, HexFest, Warlock Press and more!)

Buy Ticket! Frances Billinghurst
Frances Billinghurst
Adelaide, South Australia
Presenter’s Website